
Monday, November 24, 2003

Who is My Neighbor? 

Was challenged today as I read this article on loving one's neighbor. The author writes: " I recognize that this essay will disturb and offend some of those who read it since it is calling into question the faithfulness of the vast majority of the Western church in regards to obeying one of the two most important commands. I also recognize that it is human nature to reject this proposed way of life because it seems so extreme." Well, I have to admit that I was disturbed!

It is hard not to agree with what my brother has written; the commandment is also clear enough: "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." Yet, I know I fail to live up to it many times. I am guilty of pandering to my desires, of "treating" myself to this or that. And I pride myself on living a simple lifestyle! Of course, as my brother has noted, it is easy to justify the satisfaction of these desires. God gave us good things to enjoy, right? We're not meant to live as ascetics are we? In our increasingly materialistic society, the consumerist impulse beats strongly in most of us. In fact, we seldom think twice about our purchases (my wife might be an exception; having served in Cameroon and Nepal, she is more sensitive to waste and wantonness than most). But it is obvious that our choices, including our spending choices, have ethical and social dimensions, often of global proportions.

Where does one draw the line? Can we never "indulge"? Moving beyond individual choices, what about our churches? Why do we need large and lavish buildings that sit empty most of the time? Why do we need paid professionals to spoon-feed us and hold our hands? Why is it that a large chunk of a church's budget is dedicated to building programs, expensive sound systems, paid staff, etc., and very little is given to missions or feeding the poor? The early church was known for giving alms to the needy; what about us?

But in the end, I must consider my own life. May God help me to live, give and spend more intentionally and prayerfully, keeping in mind that I am a steward that must give an account one day.

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