
Sunday, February 22, 2004

Seek the mind of the BOSS 

Read a good article relating to work which made me think. Here's an excerpt:

The first thing I want to say is that we should remove the linkage between our jobs and our self worth. If we need money and prestige for our self worth than we would chase the job that give us more of both. But if our self worth is rooted in our relationship with God, and our identity as children of God, then nothing in this world can add on to, or take away from, our self worth. Realizing this frees us to look at job changes more objectively.

The second thing I want to say is that a Christian should be biased to NOT change jobs. Two Christian values that every Christian should bring to their work and workplace are creativity and community. And both require time.

God knows we need more creative out of the box thinking in every discipline in our rapidly changing and needy world. But creativity only emerges when one has been around long enough to learn the ropes of our job. Rushing from job to job would just result in our bringing our same level of competence and creativity from job to job without any growth and development.

This last point spoke to me because I'm tempted to look for a better paying (hey, I have a new addition to my family) and less stressful (I have to do rotating 7x24 pager support) opportunity. I just can't seem to fully shake off this restlessness in me. But the article makes some good points that challenged me to think about my motives and my mission more carefuly. Oh Lord, give me contentment!

The article closes thus: "... it boils down to obedience. Lord, what would you have me do? Seek the mind of the BOSS. Talk it through with trusted friends. Ask them to pray for you and to help you discern." Dear friends, please pray for me and share your wisdom with me!!

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