
Sunday, January 02, 2005

Tsunami and Theology 

The recent tsunami tragedy in Southeast Asia has evoked different theological reflections from Christians. Here are two representative examples:

Southeast Asia, Foreign Aid, and crazy-ass Calvinists

Meanings of Christmas: In the new world there will be no more sea

In the first example, John Piper's views are found to be repulsive to the blog author, yet he fails to show just exactly where Piper's biblical understanding is faulty. Perhaps Piper could have stated things a little differently, but I fail to see any glaring heresies in what was written. In the article by renowned scholar, Tom Wright, there were some excellent reflections, but he (perhaps wisely ?) does not really engage the hard questions having to do with theodicy.

I find it interesting that people's theological views are so colored by their emotions. Also, that this tragedy, seems to have generated so much sympathy and financial aid (and rightly so), but, daily, unborn babies are dying by abortion, and little children are dying from hunger and poverty, and we hardly hear a whimper.

Check this out ...

Update (Jan. 6, 2005)

Here are more entries for your consideration:

Tsunami and Repentance, John Piper

Being the Kingdom in a Groaning Creation, sermon by Greg Boyd (of Open Theology fame)

There You Go Again, blog entry for Jan 6

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